Often an organization’s “forecaster” must grapple with many technical and organizational issues without the benefit of training in forecasting. The International Institute of Forecasters (IIF) offers a forecasting certification program with the goal of facilitating improved forecasting practices in organizations. The certification program brings benefits for both the individual forecaster and the company that employs certified experts:
- Ensures that your business forecasting is state-of-the-art. The certification is awarded to experts who demonstrate good understanding and use of the forecasting process, methods and best practices.
- By employing IIF certified forecasters this guarantees their level of knowledge and skills, simplifying the creation of a team of forecasting experts that can offer to your organization a unique competitive advantage.
- The result is superior, transparent and credible forecasts that can improve decision making and operations company wide.
- 确保您業務的預測管理是最先進的。該證書頒發給那些對預測過程、方法和最佳實踐有良好理解和運用的專家。
- 通過聘用IIF認證的預測專業人員,保證了他們的知識和技能水平,快速建立專業的預測團隊,這可以爲您的組織提供獨特的競争優勢。
- 預測結果是卓越的、透明的、可信的,可以改善公司範圍内的決策和運營。